The Lead Up Podcast

The Lead Up Podcast

Hosted by: Mike Harbour

You are looking for quick answers and shortcuts. You want better results as a leader. All leaders desire better performance out of themselves and their teams, but you don't have time to waste. The Lead Up Podcast is...

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Episode 396 -4 Reasons You Are Getting Accountability Wrong

While holding people accountable and creating a culture of peer accountability is a great strategy, it’s not highly effective for most leaders.  This culture of accountability mostly comes from good intentions, but...
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Episode 395 Becoming a Supernatural Leader with Julie Hutchinson

Have you considered the energy you’re bringing to workplace interactions?  The energy you want to see in your workplace starts with you. You MUST get connected with your purpose and let a true passion flow in your...
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Episode 394 - 3 Ways Energy Impacts Leadership

As you know, the energy you project is the energy that is picked up by your people.  If you want to inspire action in your people that creates the results that you envision, you MUST be intentional in the energy you...
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Episode 393 Legacy Leadership with Stephen Tweed

Being a successful leader who leads a thriving culture doesn’t happen by accident.  It requires full ownership, a conscious decision, and intentional action toward crafting a culture that attracts and retains your...
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Episode 392 4 Traps to Avoid in Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations are a frequent occurrence for every leader, but every leader doesn’t handle them the same.  Your job is to create power WITH people, not power OVER people. The 4 traps we discuss in this...
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Episode 391 Exponential Leadership with Mike Murphy

Vince Lombardi said, “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase it, we are bound to catch excellence.” This is true for athletes, in leadership, and in life in general.  As leaders, we can’t expect to achieve the...
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Episode 390 The Greatest Question To Ask Yourself

You can’t create the future you envision by repeating the same actions that are creating your current reality.  To reach the level of leadership you aspire to reach, or whatever your goals for the future are, you are...
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Episode 389 Built to Beat Chaos with Gary Harpst

Do you ever find your actions not aligning with your leadership aspirations? Well, you’re not alone.  Being an effective leader who embodies the values you preach is challenging with all the unexpected chaos...
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Episode 388 6 C's For Elite Leadership

Elite Leadership is a journey, not a destination, but there are certain qualities and competencies that you HAVE TO be in constant pursuit of improvement in.  In this episode, Mike dives into the 6 C’s of Elite...
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Episode 387 Leading From The Heart with Tom Dahlborg

Improving customer/ patient experience starts with first improving employee experience.  In this week’s episode of the Lead Up Podcast, Mike and special guest, Tom Dahlborg, discuss the importance of prioritizing...
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Episode 386 5 Ways to Build a Quit Losing Talent Culture and Who Can Build It

There are endless factors that go into retaining employees due to the varying personalities of individuals in your organization, but there are certain things that are universally true that need to be implemented in...
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Episode 385 Green Beans and Ice Cream with Bill Sims

If leadership could be boiled down to one single principle, it would be to make sure your people feel valued. In this episode of the Lead Up Podcast, Mike and special guest Bill Sims discuss leadership and effective...
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