Law of Intionality

Excellence is getting a little bit better each day, month, and year. I will spend time reflecting on this year and learn from my success and design the way forward so next year is my best year ever.
“Few people are willing to stop being what they are, to be what they want.” – Dr. Gene Landrum
Recently in a training session with a corporate client, we discussed the Law of Intentionality from John Maxwell’s book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. However, when I wrote this on the whiteboard, I instead wrote this new word I have created “INTIONALITY.”
Those of you who know me know I am just an old country boy who grew up on a farm, and I always talk about farm stuff. And on the farm, we learned to improvise from time to time to get things done. And every so often, I will have a stroke of brilliance!!
You see, I spelled “intentionality” wrong, but a light bulb came on, and I immediately improvised as I often did on the farm…and I made something up.
I teach that excellence is not about being perfect but about getting just a little bit better each time we try something new. So, that being said, this is what the Law of Intionality has become in my life.
I define the Law of Intionality (Pronounced Inch-in-al-lity) this way: by the yard, it is hard; but by the inch, it is a cinch.
There it is, my stroke of BRILLIANCE…and another saying from the farm.
We are less than four weeks from the end of 2022. Goals, aspirations, dreams, and resolutions have passed all of us by this year, haven’t they?
Many of the things we set out to do in our lives, in our leadership with our teams, in our homes with our families, or in our communities - if we are not inches away from completion - will not be achieved this year.
However, what about next year? Will you also get to the end of 2023 and regret that you were not successful in staying committed to your goals? I hope not because I want you to join me in following the Law of Intionality and every day, wind up the clock on your goals and resolutions.
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