Does your leadership have IMPACT

Does your leadership have IMPACT

No matter which segment of society/industry you serve, the cause of an organization and leader is related to one thing:  making an impact.

It is easy to get super involved in the regulations and day-to-day operations that an organization could begin to lose focus on the importance of this foundational cornerstone. Impact is often measured in financial terms, and though financial viability is key for any organization, the real measure of impact boils down to making a difference in the lives of people.

Wise is the leader who looks up from the balance sheet occasionally to consider the IMPACT factor.

Individuals – Are individuals being helped? Is the mission being carried out in such a way that lives are changed for the better? In the Law of Contribution, John Maxwell says that we should be a “river, not a reservoir.” Are your organization’s funds and resources managed well so the cash flow is there to meet the needs of the people? But, also is your leadership directed at building relationships with those on the team or just focused on the numbers?

Motivation – Is your team motivated to serve? In larger organizations especially, employees can begin to lose sight of the importance of their roles in service to society. It may be a good idea to let them meet the constituents face to face and work with them directly on occasion if they don’t already, or make sure you are asking for stories of how your team’s work is impacting the customer. Hearing the personal story of how the organization has impacted one individual is much more of a motivator than bar charts and bullet points any day.

Programs – Have you recently reviewed the programs currently in place to develop the team? Is there a need to update programs, add new programs, or cancel programs that no longer meet the needs outlined by your organizational leaders? Every leader needs to engage the Law of Reflection on a regular basis, just to keep the programs relevant and interesting.

Action – Is your team equipped and empowered to act quickly where urgency is needed?  If an immediate need occurs in your segment of service, is your team prepared with an action plan?

Community - This one is very simply addressed by Randy Pausch in The Last Lecture: “Go out and do for others what somebody did for you.”  As leaders we are called to serve others, not have them serve us. It is very important you care for employee as someone in your community and lift them up as you have been lifted by them and other leaders who helped you climb to your level of leadership too.

Team – The first point of IMPACT was individuals – those who are served. The last point of IMPACT is team – those who serve. Do you have a good team in place? Do you, as a leader, care about your team in such a way that enables them to care about each other and the work you are all doing? Are you helping your team grow in their capacity to serve? Are you building your team or just building the work? If you, as a leader, build your team, they will passionately help you build the work.

If we can help you build a plan for creating momentum and experiencing the Law of Explosive Growth, please contact us at [email protected]

or 501.503.1149 and ask for Mike Harbour

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