Are You Following the Law of Inchionality

This has been one WHALE of a first quarter to 2020. It seems as if all was going right in the world 3 weeks ago and then the dreaded Covid 19 found us in denial and slipped into our lives. Like you I am a little shell shocked and wondering how we got here and am hoping to wake up from the nightmare soon. 

Have you ever had one of those nightmares where you were trying to wake up, but couldn’t and you find yourself fighting to catch yourself or just get free? Yeah, me too! I have had a few of those in my life and I feel like we are in one right now. 

However, I do know this. We will wake-up, we will get through this and we will come out better on the other side than we were when we entered this chaos. BUT only if we follow the law. The law of Inchionality. 

“Few people are willing to stop being what they are, to be what they want.”

– Dr. Gene Landrum 

One thing we are learning right now is how to slow down and be patient. I’m not very good at this, by the way. I don’t always work hard and run fast, but now that I am being forced to comply it is testing my patience. IF you look at all the personality profiles I have taken, compliance always ranks low for me. I guess that is why I am an entrepreneur. 

Now is a time for us to focus on our health in 3 key areas. Mental, physical and Spiritual. Also, we need to learn to sacrifice our need for instant pleasure for a later gratification. This is extremely hard in a world we have created where everything is available almost immediately. And, we need to work on serving others by staying in place and allowing the virus to run its course, so this is a shorter-term withdrawal versus a long-term problem for the world. As well as being grateful for the things we do have while we are on lockdown. 

But I can’t leave you here. I want to challenge you to work on exiting this crisis better than the way you entered it. 

Excellence is getting just a little bit better each day, month, and year. 

During the next 30 days or more, we don’t know yet, spend time reflecting on the things that were going really well for you in all phases of your life and leadership over the last year and learn from the success and design the way forward so when this is all over, you will be ready to launch like a rocket into the final stretch of 2020. 

How can we do this? 

A while back in a training session with a corporate client, we were discussing the Law of Intentionality from John Maxwell’s book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. However, when I wrote this on the white board, I instead wrote this new word I have created “INCHIONALITY.” 

Those of you who know me, know I am just an ole country boy who grew up on a farm, and I talk about farm stuff all the time. And on the farm, we learned to improvise from time to time to get things done. And every so often, I will have a stroke of brilliance!! 

You see, I spelled “intentionality” wrong, but a light bulb came on, and I immediately improvised as I often did on the farm…and I made something up. 

I teach that excellence is not about being perfect, but about getting just a little bit better each time we try something new. So, that being said, this is what the Law of Inchionality has become in my life. 

I define the Law of Inchionality (Pronounced Inch-in-al-lity) this way: by the yard, it is hard; but by the inch, it is a cinch. 

There it is my stroke of BRILLIANCE…and another saying from the farm. 

We are less than 30 days into a quarantine in America. Our goals, aspirations, dreams have been put on a temporary hold this year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do some self-work and really BE a better version of ourselves when this is all over? 

Many of the things we set out to do in our lives, in our leadership with our teams, in our homes with our families, or in our communities - if we are not inches away from completion - will not achieve this quarter or maybe even the next. However, if we come out better, we will still have 6-months left in this to really excel. 

 We must make the right choice snow though. We can’t settle into a hibernation of our goals and dreams, we must get serious about working on ourselves right now. Maybe for years you have been giving everything you had to a company and now you have a lot more free time. What will you do with this new time? 

 I hope you join me in following the Law of Inchionality and every day, wind up the clock on your goals and dreams. 

In my Art & Science of Leadership Academy we have several lessons on mindset, personal growth and leadership and on this new law of inchionality I have shared with you today. 

I would love for you to join my community and apply this new lesson, but only if you are interested in closing the gap from where you are today, to where you want to go in during the quarantine. 

Remember, by the yard it is hard, but by the inch it is a cinch. 

Many of my coaching clients are big dreamers, setting huge goals, but losing momentum because they focus on the bigness and not the inch needed to move forward each day to get it done. If you want to get started with us for free, I will send you my DAILY COMPASS TOOL worksheet that I use to move an inch each day and score big each month and year. 

Sign up at and gain access to a free teaching and tools I use to achieve more in a day than most people do in a week.

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